Terms and conditions

Latest version:


Mango offers you an online purchasing service which allows you to purchase a selection of the items available at our stores from your computer. You can also benefit from promotions, gifts and exclusive offers.

Below, we invite you to review the general conditions of sale which regulate the purchase of Mango products via this Website. Therefore, use of this Webpage implies your acceptance of these general conditions of sale. However, if you have any queries regarding the same, please contact our Customer Services department.

Our details

The following conditions regulate the sale of products featured on this Webpage by the company:

PUNTO FA, S.L. (hereinafter, “Mango”)

Calle Mercaders 9-11
Pol. Ind. Riera de Caldes
C.P. 08184 Palau-solità i Plegamans
Barcelona (Spain)

Registered at Mercantile Register of Barcelona under Volume 11195, Folio 156, Sheet 167948 and with VAT Number ES-B59088948.


Disponibilidad del servicio

Al realizar un pedido en la Página Web/Aplicación asegura Usted que es mayor de 18 años. Los productos Mango ofrecidos se distribuyen en los siguientes estados miembros de la Unión Europea: Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Croacia, Chipre (zona sur), Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España (incluyendo las Islas Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla), Estonia, Finlandia, Francia (metropolitana), Grecia, Hungría, Irlanda, Italia (a excepción de San Marino, Livigno, Campione, Ciudad del Vaticano, Aguas italianas del Lago Lugano), Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Reino Unido, República Checa, Rumania y Suecia. Igualmente nuestros productos son también distribuidos en los siguientes países:  Albania, Andorra, Arabia Saudí, Aruba, Australia, Bahrein, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canadá, China, Colombia, Corea del Sur, Costa Rica, Curazao, Egipto, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Estados Unidos, Filipinas, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Guayana francesa, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Islandia, Islas Anglonormandas, , Jordania, Kazajistán, Kuwait, Líbano, Liechtenstein, Macao, Malasia, Maldivas, Martinica, México, Mónaco, Nicaragua, Noruega, Qatar, Omán, Panamá, Rusia, Salvador, Serbia, Singapur, Suiza, Suráfrica, Turquía, Uzbekistán.

Puede ser que los productos de las marcas asociadas con Mango no se distribuyan en todos los estados y/o países y/o áreas territoriales.

Usted puede comprar desde el país que prefiera pero solo podremos enviar su pedido a las direcciones ubicadas en el país escogido. Al cambiar de país, los métodos de envío, los puntos de entrega y otras condiciones de venta se actualizarán.

Información sobre los productos

Los artículos ofrecidos en la Página Web/Aplicación son una selección de productos de la colección Mujer, Hombre, Niños y Casa que cumplen los mismos requisitos de calidad y garantía que los productos puestos a la venta, en su caso, en las tiendas físicas de Mango.

Usted reconoce nuestra plena propiedad en relación a todos y cada uno de los derechos de propiedad intelectual sobre los productos, materiales o contenidos que constan en la Página Web/Aplicación. 

Cada producto va acompañado de los siguientes datos:

Nombre del artículo

Imagen/es del artículo

Descripción del artículo

Tallas y colores* disponibles


Instrucciones de lavado

Precio de Venta al Público (en la divisa correspondiente)

*Mango ha realizado un esfuerzo para mostrar los colores de las prendas de la forma más cercana a la realidad posible. No obstante, el color de las prendas que aparece en la pantalla de su dispositivo puede estar sujeto a variaciones dependiendo de la calidad o tipología del mismo. En este sentido Mango no puede garantizar que los colores que aparezcan en la pantalla de su dispositivo se ajusten fielmente a la realidad. 

Además, las características de los materiales naturales utilizados en la fabricación de algunos de los productos, pueden presentar variaciones en la textura y en el color. Estas variaciones no tendrán la consideración de defectos de calidad o taras. 

Las ofertas especiales, promociones o descuentos serán válidos hasta la fecha indicada o hasta fin de existencias.

De la misma forma, Mango hace los esfuerzos necesarios para que la información contenida en la Página Web/Aplicación sea completa, veraz y correcta. De existir un error en algún dato, Mango procederá a su rectificación.

Procedimiento de la compra

1. Los artículos que se deseen adquirir deberán ser seleccionados y añadidos a la bolsa de la compra haciendo clic sobre el icono correspondiente.

2. La bolsa de la compra contendrá la referencia del artículo seleccionado, su nombre, talla, color elegido y precio, en la divisa correspondiente (impuestos incluidos). El precio expresado no incluye el transporte, cuyas tarifas variarán en función del método de envío seleccionado.

3. Para realizar la compra se requerirán los datos personales del cliente, que serán incorporados a nuestra base de datos con el objeto de poder procesar el pedido y, en su caso, facilitar la realización de nuevas compras a través de la Página Web/Aplicación. Los datos personales proporcionados por los clientes serán tratados con arreglo a lo establecido en nuestra Política de Privacidad. El cliente podrá acceder, en todo momento, a los datos personales facilitados y a la información de los pedidos realizados. Mango recuerda a los clientes que los datos personales deben indicarse con toda exactitud para evitar confusiones o incidencias en el envío del/los artículo(s) adquirido(s). Además, el cliente, en el caso de ser solicitado expresamente por él, recibirá por correo electrónico y/o sms comunicaciones comerciales personalizadas adaptadas a su perfil.

4. Antes de realizar el pedido se presentará al cliente un resumen del mismo identificando el/los producto(s) añadidos en la bolsa de compra su precio total (transporte e impuestos incluidos) con cada uno de los conceptos desglosados y los datos de envío del pedido, para que el cliente confirme el mismo mediante clic en el botón con la expresión 'Confirmar pago'.

Si antes de confirmar el pago Usted detectase un error en su pedido, podrá modificar cualquier detalle del mismo mediante un clic en el botón 'Editar' o 'Eliminar'. En caso de detectar un error en su pedido una vez finalizado el proceso de pago, por favor póngase en contacto con nuestro servicio de Atención al cliente. 

Una vez realizado el pedido, se comunicará a través de la propia Página Web/Aplicación el número de pedido para que el cliente pueda, en todo momento y desde su dispositivo, hacer el seguimiento del mismo. Asimismo, se remitirá un mensaje automático de correo electrónico a la dirección indicada por el cliente para acusar recibo del pedido con una descripción del mismo e inclusivo de los datos personales por él facilitados. La no recepción de este mensaje puede deberse a algún problema transitorio de comunicaciones en la red o a algún error de escritura en la dirección de correo electrónico facilitada. En ambos casos, Mango recomienda al cliente contactar con Atención al Cliente.

5. El recibo del referido acuse del pedido no significa la aceptación del pedido por parte de Mango. El pedido del cliente constituye una oferta a Mango para comprar el/los producto(s). Todos los pedidos están sujetos a la aceptación de los mismos por parte de Mango. Mango no está obligado a aceptar el pedido y puede, a su discreción, denegar su aceptación. El cliente, sin embargo, reconoce que al hacer clic en el botón “Confirmar pago”, adquiere la obligación de pagar por el/los producto(s) cuando Mango acepte el pedido. En este sentido, cuando Mango acepte el pedido lo notificará al cliente a través de un nuevo correo electrónico confirmando que el pedido ha sido enviado o, en su caso, que está disponible para su recogida (la “Confirmación”). Sin perjuicio de lo contenido en el punto 3.5. siguiente, el contrato entre el cliente y Mango en relación con el/los producto(s) Mango solicitados se entenderá perfeccionado cuando Mango envíe al cliente su Confirmación. Para los pedidos de artículos de marcas asociadas con Mango el contrato entre el cliente y la marca asociada en relación con el/los productos de la dicha marca solicitados se entenderá perfeccionado cuando se envíe al cliente la Confirmación. El Contrato versará solamente en relación al/a los producto(s) que se hayan acreditado en la Confirmación. Mango y/o la marca asociada con Mango no estará obligado a suministrar ningún producto(s) que no haya sido confirmado.

Disponibilidad de los productos

Todos los pedidos están sujetos a la disponibilidad de los productos. Si en el momento de la emisión del pedido, Mango detectare la falta de existencias en sus almacenes de alguno de los productos incluidos en el mismo, Mango intentará localizar el producto por otros medios que pudieren estar a su alcance. De no ser posible tener dicha disponibilidad, se notificará al cliente de inmediato. Además, el importe del artículo cobrado y no enviado se abonará al cliente en los días siguientes, por el mismo medio de pago utilizado en la compra.

Derecho a no aceptar un pedido

Mango podrá cancelar cualquier pedido Confirmado o no aceptar un pedido realizado por los siguientes motivos:

1. En caso de un error técnico y/o un error tipográfico en los precios o en el resto de los datos de los productos contenidos en la Página Web/Aplicación cuando se realizó el pedido.

2. Por falta de disponibilidad según lo descrito en el punto 3.4. anterior.

3. Cuando los sistemas de seguridad indiquen que el pedido puede ser fraudulento.

4. Cuando existan motivos que indiquen que el cliente es menor de edad.

5. Cuando Mango no ha podido entregar el pedido en la dirección facilitada por el cliente.

6. Cuando existiere un ataque informático, virus o cualquier acontecimiento que está fuera de control razonable (fuerza mayor) de Mango.

En dichos supuestos, Mango reembolsará íntegramente las cantidades que hubiesen sido abonadas conforme a lo previsto en el apartado VI siguiente.


Availability of the service

By placing an order on the Website/App, you guarantee that you are 18 years old or over. The products offered are distributed in the following member states of the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (southern area), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (metropolitan area), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (except San Marino, Livigno, Campione, Vatican City and Italian waters of Lake Lugano), Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla), Sweden and the United Kingdom.Our products are also distributed in the following countries:Albania, Andorra, Aruba, Australia, Bahrain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Channel Islands, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curaçao, Egypt, French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iceland, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Macao, Malaysia, Maldives, Martinique, Mexico, Monaco, Nicaragua, Norway, Qatar, Oman, Panama, Philippines, Russia, Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uzbekistan.

You may purchase from the country of your choice, but we are only able to send your order to addresses located in the chosen country.The delivery methods, conditions of sale and delivery points will be updated when you change the country.

Purchase guarantee

The items offered on this Webpage are a selection of products from the Women’s, Men’s, Children’s and Babies' collections and meet the same quality requirements and guarantee as the products on sale at MANGO Group stores.

Each product features the following details:

Name of the article
Photo of the article
Description of the article
Available sizes and colours*
Wash and care instructions
Price (in the corresponding currency)

*Mango has made every effort to display the colours of the items as realistically as possible. However, the colour of the garments that appear on the screen may be subject to changes depending on the quality of your computer monitor. Therefore, Mango cannot guarantee that the colours that appear on your monitor are a true representation of the actual colours.

Special offers, promotions or discounts will be valid until the indicated date or while stocks last.

Similarly, Mango makes every effort to ensure that the information contained on its website is complete, accurate and correct. In the event of any error, Mango will proceed to correct it immediately.

Purchase procedure

  1. Select the articles you wish to purchase and add them to the shopping basket, by clicking on the corresponding icon.
  2. The shopping basket contains the reference of the selected item, its name, size, colour and price in the corresponding country (including taxes). The quoted price does not include transport costs, which will vary according to the delivery method selected.
  3. To proceed with the purchase, the user’s personal details will be required and will be included on our database in order to process the order and simplify future purchases via the Website. The personal details provided by users will be treated in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Users may, at any moment, access the personal details they have provided and information on the orders they have placed. Mango reminds users that their personal details must be as accurate as possible in order to avoid any confusion or errors in the dispatch of the item(s) purchased. Furthermore, wherever expressly requested by users, they will receive information and publications relative to the MANGO Group by post and/or SMS.
  4. Once the order has been completed, and before the order is confirmed, the user will be provided with an itemised summary of the order, identifying the item(s) purchased, the total price (including transport and taxes) and the order delivery details, in order for the user to confirm this by clicking on the 'Confirm payment' button.

Purchases may be paid for using a credit or debit card (Visa, Visa Electron and MasterCard) or via PayPal. Payment method other than the ones specified in the present conditions of sale will not be accepted. For payments by credit or debit card, the charge will be made online, in other words, in real time, through the payment gateway of the corresponding financial entity, once it has been confirmed that the data sent by the user is correct.

Once the transaction has been confirmed, the order number will be displayed on the webpage, allowing users to track the order from their computer at any moment.

An automated order confirmation e-mail will also be sent to the address indicated by the user with acknowledgement of receipt, with a description of the order and the personal details provided. If you do not receive this e-mail, this could be due to a temporary communications problem in the network or an error in the e-mail address entered. In both cases, Mango advises the user to contact Customer Services. Similarly, an e-mail will be sent to the user confirming that the product has been dispatched.

Availability of products

All orders are subject to the products being available. If, at the time the order is issued, our warehouse detects that there are no stocks of any of the products included within it, Mango will make every effort to locate the item. If this is not possible, the user will be notified immediately. In addition, the amount charged for the unsent item will be refunded to the customer, using the same payment method used to purchase the item.

Right not to accept an order

Mango may cancel or refuse to accept any confirmed order on the following grounds:

  1. In the event of a technical and/or typing error in the prices or other details of products contained on the webpage when the order was placed.
  2. Due to a lack of availability, as described in point 3.4.
  3. When the security systems indicate that the order may be fraudulent.
  4. When there are reasons to indicate that the user is a minor.
  5. If Mango was unable to deliver the order to the address provided.

Mango will fully reimburse any sums that have been paid.


Delivery of items purchased at Mango.com will be carried out via an international courier company and delivered in approximately 3 to 6 working days. Delivery is free for orders over $ 75, and charged at $ 6.95 in the case of orders below this amount.

In order to avoid any delivery problems (incorrect addresses, nobody at home, etc.), you must complete the applicable form correctly and it is advisable to leave a contact telephone number in the corresponding field.

Orders can be tracked via the Mango.com Webpage, indicating the location of the goods at each moment until final reception.

The delivery cost is calculated according to the delivery method chosen and the items purchased. The exact transport cost will be calculated every time an item is added to the shopping basket, and will be displayed on the order summary page that appears before the customer confirms the order by pressing the ‘Confirm Payment’ button, and before the credit card or debit card details are entered.

Orders cannot be delivered to military bases or PO boxes.

The delivery charges may be altered at any time without prior notice. Said change shall become effective from the moment the modification appears in the help pages and in the contract published on this Webpage. In all cases, the delivery charges that appear at the moment the order is placed shall apply.

Exchanges and/or returns policy

Exchange and/or returns conditions

The Customer has the right to withdraw from the purchase and return the product(s) purchased and/or exchange their size (except for the products described in clause 6.2. below), without the need for justification, within 30 calendar days from the dispatch date. If the products in their confirmed order are delivered separately, on different dates, the dispatch date of the last product shall apply for the purposes of the return.

Mango cannot accept exchanges or returns of used or damaged items (except in the case of flaws). For reasons of hygiene, underwear and swimwear items are fitted with a safety seal to prevent them being tried on or worn. If you wish to return this type of item, the label and the safety seal must remain intact.

Face masks cannot be exchanged or returned for health and safety reasons.

For reasons of hygiene, earrings cannot be exchanged or returned.

It is not possible to change one model for another: it is only possible to exchange it for a different size. To exchange one item for another, you must follow the refund procedure and make a new purchase.

All returns of purchased items must be carefully packaged and include a duly completed delivery note or returns form.
If you do not have said delivery note when making the exchange or return, you can download the returns form by accessing the order page (in My purchases in My account section).

Exchanges and/or returns with home collection service

Exchanges for another size or returns of items purchased on this Website may be carried out through the free home collection service Mango offers its customers.

Customers wishing to exchange a garment for another size or return a garment using the home collection service should request this online in Returns, in the My account section. If they are not registered, they should go to My purchases section. Once the request has been confirmed, the courier will contact the customer to arrange a collection date and time.

As it is a non-EU country, Mango will send the customer a returns invoice via e-mail which should be printed and handed to the courier.


Once the items are received, Mango will ensure they are in good condition and will dispatch the requested size in the case of an exchange or refund the purchase amount via the same payment method used in the purchase in the case of refunds.

The refund period may vary between 3 and 12 working days from reception of the return at the Mango warehouses. Once the condition of the returned items has been inspected, the customer will be notified by e-mail.

The returned items will always be refunded via the same payment method used to purchase them.

In cases where Mango has erroneously sent an item different to the one ordered or the quality of the item sent is not acceptable, Mango, once it has checked the error or defect, will refund the price of the returned item and the postage expenses. Whenever an erroneous or defective item is returned by ordinary post, Mango will refund the corresponding postage expenses provided the customer encloses a receipt of the return expenses in the parcel. Please note that the postage expenses will be reimbursed after the items are reimbursed.


To customers who make purchases as consumers, Mango offers warranties on the products marketed through the Website/Application for any non-conformities regarding the same that become apparent within a period of three (3) years from delivery of the product.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, it shall be presumed that any non-conformities that become apparent within two (2) years of delivery of the product already existed when the product was delivered.

Consequently, if any of the products do not conform to the contract, the customer should notify Mango by any of the communication methods set out below.

Gift voucher

Users may purchase gift vouchers solely at Mango.com to purchase items on sale at said Website.

When purchasing a gift voucher, users cannot add any other item to the order and may only purchase one gift voucher per order.

In order to process the purchase of a gift voucher, the following details of the person for whom it is intended will be requested: name, surname(s) and e-mail. These details will be used solely for the correct management of the gift voucher.

Only one gift voucher may be used per order as a payment method and they cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional discounts.

If the purchase amount is lower than the value of the gift voucher, the remaining balance will be available to the user for future purchases.

If the total purchase amount is greater than the value of the gift voucher, the remaining balance must be paid by the customer using the payment methods accepted at Mango.com.

The exchanges and/or returns policy for orders paid for with gift vouchers is the same as for all other orders placed at Mango.com.
The refundable amount will be credited to the balance of the gift voucher.

The crediting of the gift voucher will take approximately 15 days from the date of the refund. Once the gift voucher has been credited, the user will be notified by e-mail of the new balance available.

If part of the order has been paid for with a credit card, the refundable amount will first be credited to the credit card used, and the remainder of the refundable amount credited to the balance of the gift voucher.

All gift vouchers are valid for one year. Two week before the gift voucher expires, the holder will be informed by e-mail of the remaining period and the available balance on their gift voucher, if applicable.



Code valid for 30 days from subscription. One-time use only. Not valid with any other offer, discount or promotion. Not applicable to those articles labelled with a star (*), a circle (O) or a hashtag (#). Exclusive only for new subscribers and online purchases.

This promotion is only available to subscribers who have not completed the registration form on our website during the last two years.


For any queries or suggestions, you may contact Mango by e-mail or by post at the following address:

Dpto. de Atención al Cliente
Calle Mercaders 9-11
Pol. Ind. Riera de Caldes
C.P. 08184 Palau-solità i Plegamans
Barcelona (Spain)

The Customer Services telephone number is: +34 93 860 24 24. The office hours are Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm Spanish local time (international call).

Opening Hours
Mango.com is open for business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We remind you that you should not provide your card details via e-mail, fax or social networks. For more information, click here.